"Projections of Cognisance: A Self-Concept"
Materials: 4 x double-primed square acrylic canvases
Faber Castell Connector Pens
Acrylic Paint
Sharpie Permanent Markers
'Projections of Cognisance: A Self-Concept' is a series of surreal self-portraits about my identity and personal process of self-actualisation through which I am yet to progress. The process of self-actualisation is where a person's ideal self and self image become more and more alike, until eventually they reflect one other and the individual achieves self-actualisation. In each of the three outer works, visual representations of the three elements of this process are depicted; 'Ideal-Self' on the far left, Self-Image' on the right and 'Self-Actualisation'. The central work is a simple self-portrait which draws the outer three works together into a calm space. The work shows an uncertain and personal truth, displayed in a non-traditional style, using contemporary materials including texta, pens and small amounts of paint and paint markers on canvas.