"Are We Home Yet?"
Material: Series of graphite pencil
Charcoal powder
10x light brown sepia paper with cotton-like texture
(52.5cm x 42.5cm).

My Body of Work is a series of drawings that centralises around the experience of refugees and asylum seekers around the world. We can easily disregard this issue which has no impact on us personally or our immediate lives. I have utilised modern techniques through the use of real snapshot photos which display more intimate and confrontational images. Furthermore, the use of real barcodes symbolic to the objectification of collective refugees as well as direct link to representation in the news and media which are widely accessible for a large quantity of individuals. With exposure we are faced with desensitization to these issues and place them in the hands of the government. With growing concerns we still do not have sufficient measures and people support which my art aims to draw on empathy through challenging this social consciousness and attitude to contribute to recognition of those who are desperately seeking a new home.